Posts ✍🏼

Paper Reading Template
2022-02-01 • A self-designed guide that helps me consistently read papers and remember what I read
A Technical Dissection of the Libra Blockchain
2019-06-20 • In a certain sense, the Libra "Blockchain" isn't a blockchain at all...
An Opinionated Introduction to Git
2019-04-19 • The Git tutorial I'd like to think I wish I had
Static Websites with Frozen Flask
2018-12-16 • Get your own website up and running with just a couple lines of Python + Flask!
Automated CoreML Conversion V1.0
2018-01-29 • Automating the redundancy of writing, testing, and deploying ML models with Python
2017 NBA Hackathon Application
2017-11-08 • Will the 2018 Warriors ever lose? And what did the 2017 final regular season standings look like?
Build a Twitter Bot!
2017-11-08 • Markov Chains meet Flask meet Twitter API for a delightful, mathematically driven web program